Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Example Thank You Note For Eyelash Extensions

I Zündhölzli azündt it han ...

would be happy, Switzerland is an island , which opens in the middle before the storm rescuing people seeking help. But in reality it is more a mirage , that nothing in the hope of saving evaporates as soon as you approach it. Because Switzerland has still not overcome their petty childish phase of of strangers, she still is by its incestuous ties to the story and myths that surround them bound. Still in Switzerland, why it was created in 1291 is: a country from an unpleasant necessity out: fear. We swam all alone of wars like this, Switzerland escaped the red invasion and now we have to wait at the minaret-terrorism to safety.
We can not sleep at night because we firmly believe that under the bed, an evil monster lurking in us and wants to eat us. We believe, as we have only fear to keep the monster away, because this smell our fear and to intimidate them, warp straight.

What are we afraid?

We have eaten and cultures eaten and eaten and are still in the process. Zig countries were Christianized in the name of Europe, we have taught the world the love to capitalism, our culture brought into the living room of the geographically most distant countries of the television Thank - and today we are afraid of all our gifts and only the smallest part to take it back. Is that arrogance? Selfishness? Even arrogance? More large-mindedness if you please!

What it concerns us?

The first is actually minarets. you do not want to drive your car through Switzerland, and only Towers with half moons. The intelligence level of this statement is doubtful whether this actually know what a car. (Ironic that the wording of Mister Switzerland Renzo pot came from.)

The other is about the oppression of women. you do not allow a symbol of power which belongs to a religion that suppresses women clear.

Maybe she remembers the old times too much to ?

Maybe they are afraid, our men could be packed by unconscious lust for power? It might be that we women, after forty years already enough of our say have and are glad acquitted of good freedom to be. (Politics is just too tiring and not for the squeamish woman .)
have so we pity (or should I alls say?) Also tried everything to free these women from their oppression , for example, once with an affected woman said, also visited a cultural meeting place, or built up quite a lot of Neighbourly Relations . The Islamization is finally in such a threatening stage that it is of headscarf-wearing women, we can offer our help, teeming.

It could be that our two cultures continue unaffected living side by side, as if the other non-existent, we ignore us and not build interfaces, so that would give them any experience our culture makes it impossible, she, therefore, the minaret user to multiply unhindered , more and more have children and always in the steady growth majority support, and then, because even three generations later, this is even the largest science fiction Horro rszenario the minimum of the required time, then it could be that it provided us with our own weapons beat and with the tools of democracy put the same except for power and ripped in two hundred years in Switzerland, the domination. That would mean then, adieu with our well-deserved Goldvrenelis, Muezzingesang instead Alphorn blowers, rather than hash browns and a headscarf instead Mezzeh costume.

Then it could be that on the Bern federal court following scene takes place:

The Federal Council has gathered on Saturday to thank the Swiss people for their strong support for the strict time of Islamization. Micheline Calmy Rey will appear behind the lectern and shall in solidarity with the majority-Islamic burqa. Impatiently, she always looks back on her Watch, for the Ueli can still coming, but coming, has been closed since the church bell in his church a few weeks ago to operate, just not on time. Although still one of six starts, Federal Councillor Calmy Rey following speech:

Schwyzer people know what it blanchett gschlagä and what staht for Üses country ufem game. At extra sini beschtä Chräft iigsetzt the major e langjährigi offensive Tues bisherigi Bausch Laughs zgwinne allner under the circumstances.

(You hear a crackling loudspeaker, a short noise and the Arabic translation will hear about the place.)

Nowhere native to Europe d Moscheedichti Sun high as i de Schwyz. If the one where glaubed that islamfründlichi base zkritisiere müesse settet, emal really Iiblick Becho, i what the hats all leischtet. performed with wave energy, with welem Pflichtgfühl, with waves Liebi, in all si Stilli ihri serious prayer. Since würed üsi critics and even numerical stuune Sun's open Muul forget. Well they bechämed en angeri, e höcheri Meinig annexed by Islam. Hüt, the Islamic gspüre ski base, that's all the people hung their Schwyzer steiht that anerchennt ihri Gsetz that sypathisiert with teeth and that mer nid as the früecher times vorcho severally, on se REDT contemptuous or even turns up his nose d. Hie u there ...

(crack Another in the speaker silenced the translation, but echoes from the minarets next to the House prayer, singing all over the place. The Federal Councillor begins to scream with all the energy that the last words reach the audience still.)


(Michelin's head is turned red from exertion. The audience turn around, you see a young man in gray jacket, to the runs with the briefcase under the arm to the square. It's Ueli, he hastily waving his free hand and screams.)

hallooooooo, haaaalllooooo han eu gseit but their selled uf with Waart with aafangä. Hani missed vill? ...

(It sounds Mani Matters Music)

.... TÖMER ... .. ... TÖMER. Thank God that miär diä minarets hands!

It follows the redemptive end.

What exactly are we afraid now??
Ah well, the singing invasion, I have gezääählt they want me feeehlt not one against the whole big Zaaaahl, on the whole big Zaaaahl: penultimate

Last Saturday a headscarf on, there were already four. Ah yes, and the only person who came into the shop and not a word of German language looks suspiciously like an imported Asian and has no worn headscarf.

And who wants to may still puzzled where the issue originated.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Rc Plane Games On Ps3

YES - Swiss German / Swiss German - YES I

My mustard, now, because I had already reached caring calls, if I had emigrated in fact, still is:
Am I not, yet, but it gave me sly Swiss German, my mind was on sick leave is, for a week does my head only


The last Sunday is more like an opinion poll, for in a referendum. It hails from opinions that justify what the emotion in the selected JA meant, what was all written between the lines and what to believe now able to read. In education, it was recognized as far-reaching the negative and unattainable as the positive effects of emotional acts. There are calls to pause to speak, in an emergency To ignore but to beat under any circumstances. One has seen it. At least in education. In politics, acting on impulse not only permissible but even desirable, so too many Swiss people last Sunday brings out three times around its own axis and added to its cumulative power.


and the same again:


jobs can be fatal.

minarets seemingly too.

pain My cheeks still.

Unintelligenterweise have overlooked the majority-idiots, that on the voting list only one line there. No room for a middle ground.
policy has an impact end, there are opinions that have degenerated to the Christmas decorations, serve pure decoration, out of place, because there is no space. Media as a shopping street, where they present themselves, the opinions, shiny, brand-new, mass-production. It brings them, well cared for home and hangs it visible to anyone on the Christmas tree stands before it and considered him proud in faith to see in him a true meaning.

policy but to act, not decorate. It requires views, goals and visions not feeling, belief or reactions. I demand the freedom of interpretation of the Constitution to emphasize to politicize the policy on the meta level, and to understand their function and objectives of new consciousness. Policy requires responsibility not opinions, to there blog. My opinion.

And something more like this: Too bad the Muezzingesang the four minarets in Switzerland so loud that it drowned out any discussion of the overall approval of the neutral Swiss naive weapons exports. I fear a deep breath to calm quiet gloating about the confrontation turned away from our politicians.

And another time: I like minarets and the sound and it would go after me, and prefer instead Ankara Aarau, because the city is wonderful. Even the
Roman Empire have to go down sometime, so no one is mourning today, as have our Reduitromantik fool not much.