cause of the stench No.1:
sees the old woman and smells are no longer taking itself, therefore not true that they are in their environment is such a pest.
cause of the stench No.2:
Maybe she knows well about their decision evaporation, but is no longer physically able to do something about it and mentally too vital to leave to do something about it.
cause of the smell 3:
Regardless of why the woman does not do anything against their scent, it is clear that no social life is there which does this for them and their attention to their condition makes it unbearable. So no family involvement, not children, nor husband, nor siblings, cousins ... no coffee gossip-girl friends, no Nachbarschaftsnetzt, no senior citizens clubs, absolutely nothing that feels responsible to say that this old woman that she stinks.
The idea that at some point each pig, only such a shit cares that it is itself a pig, without noticing it, is, at least for me, pretty scary.
The most humane solution to this disaster would be that each individual learns responsibility again for the company to take over, because we all are children, nephews and nieces, are neighbors and could even be friends. The only responsibility that we want to wear but today, or can, the paid and there remains only the possibility of harnessing social workers for the patches of such conditions. The quasi-clean the filth of capitalism in love to.
Here's an alternative: It would be appropriate under the sales staff for such cases to train and to account for in the first to get it all because no one comes around shopping. From simple banners alcohol in the early morning of blue spots in women's faces or children heads of foreign women in need, even after tens of years is still a translator for the purchase amount, up to smelly old women and even with rejected asylum seekers to know at least the Migros very well. Second, it would be a useful addition to work in sales and finally, he who has the skills to convert a potential thief, be able to teach an old woman that she stinks.
Slightly less division of labor, but more of meaning on multiple levels or more commitment for each significant caring person be what literally means charity lived on Postmodern and simply have meant something more responsible sibling, children or neighbors to be and maybe even become friends. Which simply means once again have to worry about his horizon.