Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Letter For Leaving Rent

gender gaps - a self experience

Whether biologically conditioned, if instilled, medial bred or whether the combination of all factors, the disparities between men and women conjure up, plays no role in the end, because there are discrepancies, regardless of their origin. Of course this question can ask to do some broader, more fundamental discussion, for example, whether our behavior as man or woman biologically necessary and thus unavoidable, or whether we are with the role behavior of our own individual barriers put which limit our freedom to influence our feelings and values and to control our behavior, which we so self- in this elementary behavior either or , so as a man or woman, usually without shades of gray, only a social concept is, could be resulting in close to the institutions of society (family, education, media ...) is an almost absolute power, a almost perfect control over the individual have control, which breaks down the concept of individuality in itself. I will bring central theme this question here because it has an extremely bitter taste, because if you try to answer why these discrepancies exist, we search but only for an explanation, but not after a sober, but after a reasonable, so the differences between the sexes primarily be classified as irrational and therefore negative. But the fact is that the families learn from each of the existing differences, that can benefit from what I'm trying to justify using the following fixed points. (! Although I am referring only to the differences between male and female personality traits , but not to the discrepancies of social roles and their status)

What is in men's Vacation hardly encountered:

Morning comments about today's choice of clothing.

discussions, whether Asian or Italian food goes.
words degrading thing about people who know them all.
The question: "How are you?", Unless one suspects the other a hearty hangover.
Melancholy, "the whole world sucks" - mood.
A structured program for the day.
resistance, because the program is changed.
to drive ten are out of bed.

What is rare in women's holiday encounters:

laugh at a joke that has already fallen a hundred times.
at all with so much laughter.
so much on hangover.
words degrading thing about people who nobody knows.
disparaging comments about the opposite sex.
On Grading scales for the other gender.
Melancholy "the whole world is against me" - Comments
On days that you spend in bed.

The first derivative shows the following extreme points:

men need after the holiday vacation to recover.

women need before the holiday vacation to get ready.

And the point of intersection, we found:

women have an advantage over other men desire, men as well.

differentiated view I must add that both sexes seek with their behavior toward the zero point, unfortunately, lower the one from which others from above, is undecided where, who is from where this point approaches. Paradoxical fact is that men and Women meet just because of the common intersection point of never, and will understand, because as long as the male dynamics means that men have to say among themselves, their striving for women will not get satisfied by the men.

(Need an example: The female dynamics means that after three hours of deliberation, in which everyone participates friends, because they know exactly what pleases the friend of her friend, because they just know everything about him, finally The perfect holiday gift is found, while men dynamics requires that a gift is considered a vicious commitment, dealing with the landscaping has to justify "prolonging relationship.")

would result from these two specific behaviors are, in isolation from the whole dynamics of the group, valuable traits, both for men and for women. Seem intimate relationships among women, open, honest, emotional, supportive, because they have less to compete for each other. The relations among men do not appear resilient, uncomplicated, cheerful, relaxed.

I think this could explain why women tend to develop earlier than men because they are mutually assist in their development, while men is found more inhibiting. Through these men may be almost single-handedly but also potentially stronger, less emotionally vulnerable.

Both, however, the emotional sensitivity of female and male mental composure have their value.

emotional equanimity and spiritual sensitivity valuable means of compromise.

On that note: Thanks guys for the great holiday did, you in my heart. J