Due some articles that have appeared recently in the TA and in the magazine, I would not mind betting the following comparison.
said the general opinion, this woman is lacking in personal freedom:

The behavior of headscarf-wearing women is incomprehensible to us, they dissolve in us a sense of horror from: why women hide themselves under such obvious symbols of oppression? Why does it limit their own freedom, your own personality to conform with cultural norms, to do social to escape condemnation? And it shows why in God's name their oppression, their social dependence so obviously borne by wearing this veil, rather than to emancipate, what she likes and not what is demanded by patriarchal norms woman?
I am in favor of putting the same questions and claims them too:

are because the answers that is the same:
Without feel women are naked, not all female, not quite themselves only with , she was an independent personality, a good person. Applicable to headscarves, as well on make-up.
course, it is in both pictures to extreme cases, but for the Muslim women, we limit our criticism so long not only to the so-called extreme cases, we should logically us of the extreme examples of society's beauty obsession deal with all casual-headscarved women Léger-eating women set as in the pillory.
as self-realization and self-expression, key to success and joy in life is the beauty still always acted, and this with such skill that no wife or husband will realize how much the woman with it under the veil the social unfreedom is pressed. As the head scarf Muslim in women, even the body consciousness of Western women is nowhere explicitly required, and yet both are culturally authentic as a symbol of woman so far ingrained that an unspoken disregarded Set, who is opposed to the hypocritical authenticity and both women are frequently confronted with social ostracism, they should all be very different from the norm. The only significant difference between the women with headscarves and women's place with Botox lips probably that the former threatens physical violence , should they oppose the dress standards, while the latter themselves physical violence does to to be compliant with the standards. should
The idea of the true Western woman is still anchored in an absolute in us and in their exterior bound as it really frightened us. Unfortunately, it does not. Because these ideas are so deeply etched in our sample, we are ready to consider them as and of course they perceive in their existence has become incapacitated. The behavioral patterns have become far course, that women be marked 'this is without meaning. " present on her bosom, not without pride finally have seen through that man just the way it works, and nothing for, let alone against his behavior. The liberated woman today to be above this male behavior. But I believe that it is wrong, if not is bold, the men of their responsibility to acquit and put them in the dependence of their shoots. (Although the man himself often used that excuse too.) The fact that men in the highest degree of responsibility, if women without makeup, without the 90-60-90 figure, with no well-kept fingernails without plucked eyebrows, shaved legs, no, no heel shoes and (admit to only a selection of all the physical pain again) without constricting jeans do not feel as women, can be easy to prove, by us Question to answer, then, are the Muslim whether men or women whose polluters when women without headscarves not feel well have the answer and then pull back the parallel.
The next step is absolutely necessary for the emancipation of women will not work without the perceived responsibility of men. The problem is that it is generally believed (because, ironically, claim that the women themselves always) plastic surgery and pain diets geschähen on absolutely voluntary basis, a blue-eyed belief in the feminine sense and human freedom of choice, but I venture here again to say that women who can inject the lips, act as unfree, as women who wear the headscarf was, but this request (not just the norm!) so strongly inculcated, that woman herself the constant social pressure to perform can not and convinced is to act freely.
A look, a little joke, a nice comment is as individual detached action by no means a disaster, but they are subtle and therefore most dangerous manifestations of false value systems of our culture and thus in principle absolutely outrageous that the woman is not only the effect can understand!
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