Wahrig or Duden? Wahrig or Duden? Wahrig or ... Two days ago I had to make that fundamental decision, and as I usually solve such problems to narrow me not trivial, even fundamental decisions: Dictionary of Wahrig and spelling dictionaries.
To my sin, I resisted my self-imposed book buying ban to have to weaken rationalization, I decide after much back and forth for at least a Duden without CD-ROM: I do not need and I can not do, because my free space anyway is threatened with extinction, is the conclusion.
But that's not enough of sin. An unwrapped Duden paid, but added a welded or cleaning, I go home. There, the dictionary used unpacked again, I notice: This plastic film is worth twenty francs, for between her and the book is hidden but still a CD-ROM ! Short pleasure followed by the inevitable question:
What do I do now with a CD-ROM - very nice to have - I need but neither can do more, and now but after I wrestled so long with the purchase decision because I should not buy books, let alone CD-ROMs (remember the last Entry) and you even do not exist, which I, to repeat myself: neither need may still need, and, really, very nice to have 'is, on my knees, for free, even unconscionable, because I, until recently, so did not even know that I have? - Or rather, had stolen.
Keep or return? Bring back or keep and ? (This would even work!) Really? Or notes, one 'mean? Okay .. not a very smart idea.
Who is it ever happened: They meet, listen to music together, the laptop packs back on and with it the other CD. The question of whether the question is whether the CD brings back is, I think, unnecessary. (At most, the question arises as to whether I actually in this case, keep back and bring, but that is just by the way.)
But I must also like to thank füssli bring a CD again, the unintended absolute and unnoticed my property has fallen? If I do so someone hurt? Can this ever steal call?
The problem arises from the abstraction in which we move. Neither the manufacturer nor the Lord füssli nor the staff has for me the character of a real person. They exist only as abstract variables in a mental construct, and are at best living puppets in a functioning structure. But no one person this CD-ROM at heart, no one will miss them actually as real object as the person their CD in my laptop. Although the CD-ROM treats someone's property legally, but emotionally not seen. It exists for the owner if necessary as a figure in any list.
this Erich Fromm in the 'pathology of normalcy': In our system, a process is underway, for which I would like to coin a word, [...] I would like to speak of the process of abstraction and this implies that one trying to make something abstract, instead of leaving it in its concreteness and specificity. Based on our production and due to the way our economy works, we are accustomed to perceiving objects in the first place in their abstract take place in their concrete-representational forms.
This, however, limited not only goods, but extends to people: One forgets and ignores the abstracting all its [human] concrete properties. It was spoken of as a shoe factory owner, as if that were its being.
addition to this following statement from, psychoanalysis and Ethics' by E. Fromm: our moral problem is the indifference of man towards himself. We have a sense of the importance and uniqueness of the individual lost and made us instruments for purposes that are beyond our ego . [...] We have become objects and our neighbors are our objects. [...] We have no belief in the humanist sense, for we dare not leave our own critical abilities.
These two observations together, we will get the following conclusion: Since I take with the CD-ROM only as an abstract object of an impersonal department store and the seller for only the exchange value, but not for the practical value of this object bring - so that it can not emotional, but again only in the abstract sense are referred to as property - can I take them on a humanistic approach not steal and therefore I am for the immoral character of my story emotionally unresponsive. So I can not help but keep it as the CD-ROM! - Would not take all these considerations, according to the dictionary and if I had not needed to work on my lyrics for the Friends of the Global Ethic , I would maybe not otherwise able to, but to keep them.
Back remains a dictionary, free space, the question of whether a global ethic of the potential that rivals to lead the people of this alienation, or whether the prior way out of alienation, the inescapable requirement for a humanistic and authoritarian functioning global ethic, and the finding myself better next time to decide Wahrig for two times, then I would have been spared all this.
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