"Man, so to speak is a kind of prosthetic God [...]," says Sigmund Freud in the Subversion of Culture about the nature of man. Of itself, man can practically nothing. But these defects has been formed in humans ideal of omnipotence and omniscience, come to that man with every technical advance closer attempted. Tools, weapons or means to help us over our physical weaknesses. They give us the dexterity of a bird in the nest, the strength of a bear and the speed of a cheetah. But we are far beyond us to measure the animals and have managed to surpass the capabilities of each animal several times. With the computer, we surpass even our thinking ability by a mile. view
The steam engine as prostheses like overcoming our shortcomings is obvious, but they throw in a pot with Facebook seems premature. However, there are in my opinion, the same three approaches that can justify such an analogy.
first From the concept of development:
The term engineering was in its Greek origin, "techne" as much as "art", "skill" or "the skill to achieve something.", The Brock House. Today, however, is commonly understood among technical assets that property situated outside of man and the trumps human capacities at all levels. If the Web is covered by the collective term technology, so it can be said of Facebook, that, viewed abstractly, an extension of human capabilities is.
second From the perspective of media history:
can also view the history of media to such a comparison, the book was the extension of human memory, the TV that of the human eye, the phone in our ear, the computer is our ability to think. The development of new media is always oriented to the human skills and above all their limitations. They do not arise from nothing, but they apply as a man is poor template that must be optimized.
third From the psychoanalytic point of view of Freud:
The pursuit of the people themselves to rise to a (prosthetic) God developed in the Freudian theory of our constant flight from pain. This flight for life to replace the (actually desired) the pursuit of happiness, then Freud, was not included in the plan of creation. For there are three sources for insuperable suffering the mental constitution of man, which made it impossible happiness: The might of nature, the frailty of our own body, and - you believe it - relationships with other people. Thus developed for predicting the human seismographs of deadly earthquakes, chemotherapy for Treatment of fatal cancer and Facebook to the control (fatal) human relations.
I want to Freud's words themselves show that it is not quite as absurd to make Facebook and chemotherapy in a series, as it seems at first sight "distance times are new and probably unimaginably great [or other ? make] progress in the field of culture with a target to increase [the] likeness to God even more. "
Facebook is thus a technique that enhances our social skill? A medium that is able to optimize a poor presentation? To escape from inevitable disaster?
All three questions have the potential to answer in the affirmative. But the recognition of the analogy can be alone for a long time to no contest. Whether the human capacity for its deficiencies, to support tools themselves (in the sense: to create culture), the people now to Freud's unfortunate prosthetic God or to a happy Prometheus by Gehlen will be, is a well-known dispute, which led in the culture of science and philosophy is.
A quick comparison will show that it pays for this question Web 2.0, here specifically Facebook, take up again and discuss seriously, because we are moving in an entirely new development:
Daily life teaches us, who drives a car, is lazy, who too often use the calculator, forgotten how to mental arithmetic, who cooks with microwave forgets how to make fire. Through the help of technology, which goes beyond the human suffering of our own internal capabilities, cripple and maim them. What happens when FB is now to help our social skills? If a majority still communicates via FB? If we only think FB thanks to birthdays, our new people dare to talk to us about Status update messages instead of calls?
When using a calculator can be argued that our mental arithmetic suffers from taking the owner to give us but also opens up many more possibilities that challenge us again and ask for our own thinking. But this compensation also works with social platforms? And what if the platform that we provide opportunities for social relationships that are beyond our capabilities?
all these issues be dealt with in the following articles. Some of them I have to still own no clearly reasoned response. But certainly, is that the mere fact that humans are creating technologies that serve to expand his social skills, can pay a new man. The image of a man who is not capable enough to conduct social relationships, not strong enough to settle conflict, not brave enough to face the confusion of human relationships. . People who are not frugal with the people around him
"Facebook makes things a lot easier!" - Perhaps too simple.
we really want are people who are "social technics" the social "techne" prefer? Perhaps the ultimate "techne", the last skill that we have left? But he is still "the man"?
am After two years of bad gut instinct and a number of considerations, I have come to the conclusion that
- I want to wear any kind of man around with me.
- We gain little or nothing to the social platform.
- By FB too much lost, forgotten or is even crippled.
The first point is a question of faith. I would not argue. The other two claims, I try to be as understandable as possible and thus so exaggerated as necessary in the following articles illustrate and explain. The first contribution to "Relationships" follow tomorrow.
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