I know it's been a while - again! : / I'm so sorry for being really inconsistent with writing updates more frequency Latly BUT January and Februrary are KILLING me mentally right now! Tomorrow I have my FIRST exam in "History of Communication Media" at University and I should really be studying right now but I wanted to show you some pictures first and tell you that I'm still here ;)
A couple of weeks ago I met my lovly blogger friend and stylish lady Marta from Mariza and we spent a wonderful day in Munich. She picked me up from my Fashion-PR Agency and we then drove around town to take some nice pictures ;)
I got a new Haircut and Highlights btw -6h!! at the hairdresser - never again ;) what do you think?
I am wearing: black
jacket: H & M / / Faux Fur Jacket: Zara / / Shirt: Peru / / Jeans: P & C / / Shoes: America / / Bag: Balenciaga insp. / / Earrings: Louis Vuitton / / Watch: Guess / / rings: Silver from Peru / / Bracelets: Nerdbirds & Peru

If love goes another will come (Shirt of Lima, Peruu)
Black Shoes: Bamboo, TKMAXX Dear , I'm really terribly sorry that I currently so little blogging but I'm in the middle of exam period (tomorrow we start with "media history of communication" and then by mid-February Full power 5 more!). Nichtsestotrotz I wanted you not keep these great pictures with Mariza that we have shot a few weeks ago while shopping in Munich) they picked me up after work in my fashion PR agency and then we went first to the Neptune Fountain in Munich and then on to shopping:)
did well my friends and if ne of you who have ideas for new NEN HEADER Always her with suggestions and creative ideas:)
; ; ; xoxo,
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