Thursday, January 31, 2008

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BLOG ARCHIVES January 2008

Below is the comments from the blog News from the month of January 2008.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

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Windsheimer newspaper report about the persecution by the state security

completely flabbergasted we were this morning when we read the newspaper. We were more internally prepared today horror stories in Bad Windheim to have to read news, we were quickly taught a lesson. The newspaper has Windsheimer detail about us until now completely unknown details the pursuit of the possible and alleged blogger reported.

We pay tribute to the Windsheimer newspaper, especially the editor Blank for his courageous report and Mr. Delp editor in chief, that it did not prevent the report.

and completely uncommented the following article in the newspaper of 30 Windsheimer January 2008.

"citizens of the state security rushed to the neck" dispute over defamation on the blog: Horst Speier experienced house search and expects discredited by Mayor

BAD WINDSHEIM (gb) - Shortly before the referendum and local elections some light comes in the dark about the investigation of the operator of the blog "wind-heimer . While Mayor Wolfgang Eckardt relentless for weeks enlightenment and a "com behind dieKulissen the Bad Windsheimer blog, announcing him is now a defendant before: Horst Speier.Der Born Bad Windsheimer go Although it states that the investigation petered werdenund there will be no charge, but believes that Mayor Wolfgang Eckardt will try to beat from the events and political capital to discredit his opponents. Eckardt seen again in an attempt by him to the accused, the progress of the procedure up besides Kommunalwahltag second March out to kidnap a further proof that this politically motivated crimes . There

the beginning: As previously reported, had Wolfgang Eckardt and other people of his political and professional environment complaint against unknown tried for libel and slander in said bath Windsheimer blog. In the course of subsequent investigation it was on 11 September 2007 on a search warrant arrived. State security officials of the Commissariat for the CID Ansbach set a search warrant to the district court Kitzingen into action and put in the house by Horst Speier and his partner in Iphofen two computers, a hard drive and a folder of correspondence secure. Recyclable material as defined in the ERHA-tion to the charge that the to-be about Blogbetrei was not, apparently found, because after a few days could spout the seized items, including a business calculator and a PC of the children, pick them up. From the fact that blogger Lined with information and even to have written comments, makes no secret of Speier. However, it is neither rough driver of the blog, yet he knew this. And he says: ". Also I have neither the mayor nor anyone else offended by the blog or in any form or slander" had been traced to him were the investigators on the basis of an e-mail address that was mentioned in the blog and Horst was traced back to Speier. prosecution has not yet been brought against Speier, and his lawyer believes that this will not happen. Rather, the prosecutor has lodged an objection against the search warrant in his view, incomplete.

What Speier has persuaded now to go public were ultimately his findings a file inspection findings. The look in his investigation file he was first granted last week. Only then did he find de facto, who had denounced him. Wolfgang and Dr. Stefan Eckardt, Hans Wild and Silke Speier Knörlein called Horst compared to GMT. What he discovered in the documents yet, let him come to the conclusion that "the mayor of the citizens who stand in his way or criticize him in a sort of modern witch-hunt with the State Protection can be traced "Although I Eckardt filed charges against unknown persons, the investigating authorities but also fed specifically named suspects admit to documents of the state protection, it is a list of blog articles, which were provided by Eckardt with names of alleged authors of the continuation...: The investigators charged with the persecution of the display state security department of the CID would you promptly "by the mayor as targets persons defined under pressure", including the spouse of gargoyle mother, Friedrich Frischeisen his brother Claus, and a number before-time employee of a city, town businesses and KKT - here called the names Speier Günter Wagner, Philip Schuerlein and Alfred Höfner.

"Juxanruf" with consequences
that's not all: Speier will have seen from the investigation files that there had been a few months ago a "Juxanruf" of young people in the town of Bad Windheim, which meant that only the naming of the first name of a suspicious towards "a dragnet in Bad Windheim and its districts was held and screened several youths under 18 years by the Government and sought by the CID and were questioned." triggered had the manhunt a stranger who had called a town hall and asked where he "Swinger Club to the wild Bompfi" would find.

Now go Horst Speier believes that Wolfgang Eckardt also gain insight into the investigation files and is emerging names - which were launched by the mayor himself - could Fen as the names of the suspects identified by the CID-sell to discredit these people. All this despite the fact had been raised to date no action, but it seems it rich to the mayor to name names of people against the "will ever identified or listed in the investigation records of the criminal police as a suspicious person" Horst gargoyle expectation. " Eckardt, the political use to decry the shooting enemy turf as lobbyists and the SPD brand as a blog supporters. " Therefore, his lawyer has lodged an appeal against the release of files to Wolfgang Eckardt. Speier even believe that this has only a suspensive effect, Eckardt for this is like the opposition to the house search and seizure of the accused Rechnerder attempt to gain time. About the publication of the investigation files must now decide the district court Würzburg.

The operations are described by him to Horst Speier result of a dispute between Mayor Eckardt and his political opponents, "has reached an incredible dimension, which must make every normal citizen stunned" in recent months. Eckardt shrink in the choice not the central front "to put an entire apparatus of police investigative powers against his self-appointed opponents in motion in order to discredit them and to divert attention from its own governance" back, or so Speier. "The mayor of Bad Windheim incited citizens and the opposition the state protection to the neck. "