Thursday, February 28, 2008

Chat With Older Women

The three challengers and your vision

after the speech-duel Radio on 8 and a brief survey of the Windsheimer newspaper we want to give at this point the three challengers the opportunity in the wind-Heimer stories on issues that cause us to express interest. We thank Ralf leather part and Albert rule for their responses. Dieter Hummel would not comment at this point in detail. The reasoning is also found as a display Windsheimer today in the newspaper.

In a city like Bad Windheim is the consensus of all party lines, a goal. What would be your preferred coalition in the City Council in order to implement as many goals politically?

Albert rule I personally have no favorites from partisan point of view as partners. Personally I consider it more important fundamentierten with an argument to provide advocacy and to address all the city councils. For this reason, it is for me very important that the voters are aware of different skills at the city council candidate decides to make room for the new City Council, the relevant industry representatives on City Council have. Because on that basis would be laid for the city council work, a solid foundation for an economic and successful local government work. Thinking within the party lines has no place in local politics. Here is the preservation and competent representation of citizens' interests in the foreground to the benefit of all citizens. Unfortunately, we are in today's world more and more firmly, that our political officials have lost more and more the reference to the base and lack of skills, background knowledge and experience no longer have the courage to face an open discussion. The smarter ones have yielded far too long, which then causes that govern the rest. The base of experience in the field of leadership and fair treatment of its opponents today in most levels of management, unfortunately, lost. There is often only the self-interest is important, as we find in the decisions and the half-lives of our generation of managers. Social interest readiness is only expected from the "normal" citizens. I therefore see the urgent need that come in the choices of competence, experience and strength of character of the candidates to the forefront of decision criteria.

Ralf leather part: In local politics, the group affiliation does not matter. Every Democrat in the new city council is to work together cordially invited. I would like to see a majority, with which one can make, and not only blocked. This may well switch from subject to subject matter question. No definitive statements can be but only after the second March meeting. has

Candidates individual strengths and weaknesses. You want to succeed in the forthcoming election and therefore we want to know where you see yourself and your core competencies to assess what areas you professionally and personally than the incumbent mayor?

Ralf leather part: Because of my professional life I will certainly pay great attention to the topic of finances. I am also in favor of making a sound policy for all citizens of this city. For the guests work has been done. In addition to other activities in this direction has now increased again be given to the citizens. I want more humane approach the citizens and involve them actively in the issues of urban politics.

Albert rule From a technical perspective, I can build a versatile and fundamentierte training. Experience in different management levels and as a Managing Director in Germany and abroad have taught me that only experience, humanity and competence is valued at the long-term employees. Based on my training in agriculture, emergency services, in the cultural area and very large in my career in the construction industry, I have a very wide range of experience. As I prepare myself every step of my development, I had to know very well how much energy and stamina you need in order to succeed against the competition from. Also, I went through my rescue experience of more than 11,000 hours of use, very experienced much human suffering and personal dramas. The personal attitude impressed in many ways. One learns to appreciate his fellow human beings, of whatever kind and can very well empathize with the different situations. You live more consciously and deliberately every step and every decision. One is also aware of the implications of his decisions and possible consequences. So I see myself in the leadership and professional competence in structural engineering, transport planning, supply and disposal systems, environmental protection, energy, urban development, medicine and healing in the area, analysis and in the field of cultural development to be superior.

What have you made the first official act if you do manage to become mayor of Bad Windheim?

Albert rule My first official act, the personal meetings with all employees of the Government, urban farms and urban affiliates be. Besides the personal Introducing myself, I am interested in the personal focus, the current working environment and the personal contact, as a new beginning of a constructive cooperation. Basic requirement of motivated and achievement-oriented employees, a trusting, yet respectful relationship with each other. Any employee of any level must know that he finds with his problems at the top heard and taken seriously. Of course, that the personal interview is part of the new town councils in the same way. For the internal relationship is reflected in customer convenience to the citizens again and finally The customer is king. are aligned in this course must also the accessibility and convenience to citizens in the town hall accordingly.

Ralf leather part : The first thing I lead with my colleagues at City Hall and all urban enterprises intensive discussions and ask them to do with me and the new city council all around the city Bad Windheim and draw their districts for a positive future.
A cash check is to make sense to then review the ongoing projects and any corrective action to be able to intervene.

What message to you is for the blog readers the most interesting?

Ralf leather part: When I am mayor, a respectful tone is struck in the town hall. I want to be mayor for all, without feeling that someone has defamed or marginalized. Everything should run as run as in an administrative need for law and order. In my administration is then stopped normality and straightforward, sensible way, I think, makes this a blog redundant.

Albert rule The fundamental right to freedom of expression is in my office guide absolute priority. We need in society, the "troublemakers" and critics. They represent the voice of the base dar. Without constructive criticism, it is difficult for a leader to maintain the contact and the interests of the base. I hope to have the "Blogger" in the recent past is not lost the courage to engage in an open discussion. This open discussion, I will make myself at any time, because based on my experience I can draw in the arguments to the full, but I strive in this discussion also, my experience to further develop and put on an even broader basis. I represent but also the view that we can not know everything, but it takes a lifetime's willingness to remain teachable. Sure to set the new knowledge is more and more critical of the assessment, but it means the extension of the experience of all talk disk ussionsteilnehmer.


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