knows you "cross" and the Bavarian television now at least half Bayern our mayor, who rules not only for 12 years, but he also has a nickname, which aims even a swinger club to be named, as a few rascals thought.
He almost had one can feel sorry for this mayor, as he sat there and obviously brought a cold sweat at the desk. But then we were flabbergasted Blogger what we should have told the mayor to bloggers all over him:
land in the expected future building site (a white mold) was purchased? We would like to know more! Tenders are running correctly? Very interesting! And certain companies of the mayor after his declaration also said to have favored! Which companies have been preferable, Mr. Mayor? Loud things that we would only like to consider more deeply and then reported darübr detail.
You need to decide once how to formulate the correct: The Mayor indicates that other people (we call them here for simplicity, "the Blogger "claims) would have, he would have done something dishonest. Is now really the Lord of blog, we call the editor of Blogger, the mayor's for defamation? Or lose the Lord of blog, by definition, and for ever all civil rights and do not display more like? For Bomfi says yes literally on TV:
"I criminalizing only the fact that in the end it all are lies, slander, etc. Someone on this blog enters the Who, which is presented to me as a criminal.."
All right, Mr. Mayor!
This farmer from Berolzheim, a Richard Muller, who is competing also for the Heckel-WE-list, has spoken a true sentence: The blog has brought things to light that would never have occurred without the blog to the public. Since he is probably right.
Like That with the daylight did not our mayor. One need only recall his failed attempt to treat the affair Gerhäuser the District Council in camera. Bring light into the darkness really not the strength of our mayor.
In general, the BR has TV crew staged the interrogations of young people (whether parents were there?) in a darkened van at the bleak, because not yet built, played shooting Wasen the gloom of the current situation beautifully.
Almost disappointed we were that Eckardt has not attempted to present on television, the Bavarian public his microcosm with the enemy SPD and Wagner. Somehow there something missing. Now we know why: Speak but the SPD faster in the person of Mrs. Dingfelder, can be thought of as Eckardt. That, my national security, is in the paper today, just misapplied in that Ms. Dingfelder fast talking, as people can think. And there is no doubt that Eckart is a person who is the Quote taken up entirely correct.
moved Indeed, Eckardt probably now prefer in the area of idiots. Of village idiots, to be more precise, he speaks and it says none other than Jürgen Heckel. So must the Eckardt'schen think now determine the state protection.
For Heckel's a politician, as the mayor's brother and Mr Wild. And that Heckel has been offended - in the newspaper. You can not. We propose that the state protection has emerged, sending the same GSG 9 The time to storm the Windsheimer newspaper and identify, who said that the village idiot. Then take an immediate search warrant at Eckard, all the computers.
Was not the mayor felt insulted and has filed a? He is however, the insults continued during another. Somehow, across, this mayor.
Worst of all, and generally not commentary unsound Eckardt behavior with regard to the prosecution of children. From the city hall from the police was informed about the Juxanruf. In the town hall itself there was a dragnet held by the registration office. He has led the procedure, followed and not a word regret - at least at this point is Wolfgang Eckardt honest. He cares about himself, but not for the children and young people "his" city.
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