How much courage we see in our city and country?
Supplement - Report of the demonstration on Saturday, 23/02/2008 The demonstration was well attended with about 200 people and can be safely seen as a big step for the Windsheimer. This one would be free to not dream months ago that would arrive just as many people to a colorful, peaceful and informative but strong rally in front of the marketplace.
The speaker Mr. Wagner found the right words from Nuremberg: Bad Windheim has had enough of the division of the city and the one-sided and many citizens against unfair city policies. Instead, he drew comparisons with other Franconian cities where the problems are, to some even bigger and only by good Communication and cooperation can be overcome. Without polemics and tirades, instead, with expertise and cooperation will work elsewhere, politics, government, business and citizens there, hand in hand. An exemplary path for Bad Windheim and a sign that it's time for a new head at the top is fair in the city.
The demonstration will be repeated if necessary. In this case, please eighth on the info in the press. At this point we would then point out. Thanks to this opportunity for the submitted photograph!
Article of Friday, 22.02.2008:
We found the Contribution Windsheimer newspaper of 20 February 2008, more remarkable than. "Carry the protest to the streets" was the title and we see four respectable citizens photographed that speak directly and frankly about some of the worst problems in personnel management policy of the city by the mayor and his political network.
While we have offered bloggers in recent months by a democratic opinion forum where you could leave without giving his identity to his problems and his criticism of free run without the writer or the writer of the comment the same immediate professional consequence this fear freedom of expression had to the organizers of the demonstration have already made quite a different experience, as we have learned.
They found very quickly that many Windsheimer afraid to express their views publicly and for all to be seen solely by their presence. While the parties have previously shocked in messages, comments, and personal meetings distributed via personal grievances and their miserable treatment by the city leaders, they trust are now barely out the door to this criticism by her participation at the scheduled Demonstration to substantiate.
Sure we have all not just a good reputation when it comes to democratic accountability and a particularly courageous advocacy of their rights and those of our fellow citizens. In the dark days of National Socialism were the Franks almost as a stronghold and a nucleus of the then brown, now right stakeholders. We want to compare the times then not sure about the political situation of today, but similar effects such as fear and oppression as well as activities of state security against critics are now not to deny once.
Now, as ever there was a ruling apparatus and a network of compliant collaborators, who turn to first to those who appear strong, as their political arm reaches far and many of the binding to such a structure in safety and in some cases, personal benefits promise. It is clear: No one wants to create to be happy with the "strong". It can be fraught with disadvantages, go with "them" in the clinch.
So we remain honest Windsheimer rather like a rabbit before the snake in the rigidity and fear waiting for the eagle that falls down from above, and taste the snake and we can therefore exempt from the threat. That will not happen of course - or have you, reader values and see dear reader, recently eagle fly over our beautiful city? Own strengths as a rabbit like damn fast dash and hit a few good hooks, have apparently forgotten all. And so no one dares just out.
What we should just ask the question how long it may still go on like this? A demonstration, especially one against a completely undemocratic and unfair treatment of a mayor to many of its citizens, uses the oldest democratic right of expression. There were times in this country where the people was not possible to take to the streets and speak their minds. Only our present constitution has allowed us this freedom. So why do we want to have people still out and play more rabbits? In 2008, we must not do that any more!
who sees himself as an upright Democrat, adding, the 2nd March to a new, honest Tours of the fair with all citizens deal and is willing to transcend the existing Amigo structures, is the first Bad Windsheimer Saturday demonstration on 23 . February at 11.00 clock in the marketplace. There is not much to talk, but will You wonder how many people think just exactly like you and me.
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