Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Angie's Name In George Lopez

The blog says goodbye

presents After 16 months, more than 2,250 printed Din-A-4 pages, but after thousands of hours worked, this blog now the activities.

When we started in December 2006 with the project "Windsheimer stories" was the object of this blog's information dissemination on "systems Bomfi" The policies in our beautiful city of Bad Windheim. Was the person of the mayor at the beginning of the real issue, then the blog quickly developed into a second newspaper.

We did not want a political overthrow, but to check on the machinations. The fact that this blog is so famous would be, we have never let us dream. At times, several thousand visitors in one day had two reasons: First, of course, the blog as such with its contents, on the other opponents of the Blog only allowed publicity. We remember it like the first blog ad campaigns of FWG and list land, to which even the Windsheimer newspaper could not help more, exercise such as the blog to report on it.

The two ratios were undisputed highlights included the report of the cross at the Bavarian broadcast television about the machinations of state security and of course the election day, which was on the server but failed the city, but not the blog.

self-criticism we have to establish to the height of the campaign, that one or the other comments from our readers, mind you not one of our article itself was formulated something hard and sharp. We often sat together night after night and deliberated whether to delete comments again if commentators have adopted the "polite" tone. But who has read the letters to the editor of both political camps in recent weeks in the Windsheimer newspaper is quickly realized that there have been there many diatribes about which one - they were ever published in the Journal - had outraged. So the blog was always an image the discussions of the citizens in the city.

The fact that the citizens now the mayor Wolfgang "Bomfi" Eckardt have voted delights us. The new mayor Ralf leather part but that was a warning: The Clock can not turn back anymore. In the era of Web 2.0 is a similar policy, as had prevailed in the past 6 years, again, we would very quickly lead to a new blog. Neither national security nor CIA, not a Stasi secret service, and no Chinese can turn off the Internet. If this finding means that the political factions of this city finally open and not secret work when the opposition is to be turned off no longer per se, this alone is already a success of this blog.

are now no new articles and no new shared more comments. If it is rumored that one day should be a new blog and we get it "wind", we will link this blog at this point. That's honor. Otherwise, the blog will remain available so online, as it is. As the result - and not the cause - the Windsheimer policy.

The comment from the WZ of 03/18/2008

What really happened - citizens of the city ordered a fresh political start

The sovereign has spoken, the mayoral election is gelau fen. The result is a re-sult that most TRAILERS both camps said initially un-devout astonishment, and not everybody had, just hours after the election not fully realized what had happened.

The irritation is understandable, after all, is not every day that voted out a long-time incumbent whose achievements even by his bitterest enemies have ever been seriously disputed. Bad Windheim, in the era Eck ardt-undoubtedly gained great momentum. To be the "reality" yet to be chased from office, it took correspondingly negative "benefits-gen", which gave the balance of voters now so-even the scales against Eckardt.

The outgoing mayor has, especially in his second term apparently banging so many people over the head and disappointed that he did his opponents made it possible, a Stimmungsum upswing bring about. The un-adequately trained social skills of the first mayors has all his strenghts, despite his fall-out GE. A town hall must be a place the confrontation and political dispute, but must also be clear: There is no doubt it is not a war zone and it certainly must not degenerate into a battlefield. The next mayor should be part leather-ster Ralf Ek-kardts painful defeat warning enough for his egg-related (leadership) style. Reason to feel superior, the New nehin oh-no, because one is open-knowledge: the people Bad Windheim have not chosen primarily leather part because they saw in him a strong candidate, in the reasonable past is no way they have voted primarily Wolfgang Eckardt.

This performance is partly leather and its pe-Wahlkampftrup not diminish. But: there is reason for it not malice for the winners. All of them are now challenged to her husband, from 1 are May at the tip of the city to help in their shoes. Because he does not only by himself as something big footsteps designated Otmar Schaller, son-in but that of Wolfgang Eckardt. And its zwölfjähri-ger Way through the city's history has certainly not only served the-ground damage, but also vie-le left a positive, lasting and deep impression.

All winners as losers from Sunday, now have not only the opportunity but the obligation to make a fresh start and a dignified and respectful-ing together. Also on this task has the sovereign - and happens to still the people - the policy to say to the GE way. Nothing could express this better than the balance of power in the newly elected city council.

Thank Thanks to Mr GUNTER BLANK


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