Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rc Lowriders Price For Sale


This post is Part 2 of project designs from Facebook ", the statement starts here

Two explanations gone forward to me to beware of criticism.

  1. The instructions are not intended for confident, native relations which have in this paper lost nothing.
  2. The part of the following thoughts, which on their own experiences and not based on things heard or empathic Urban is revealed explicitly and for the rest I wish no bad interpretations of what my life regards.

number one
For two weeks she was now with her new boyfriend and he - what an ass - has changed his relationship status is still not on Facebook. She cooks with rage. His ex, yes this stupid cow, but still in his friends list. Of course she has on her profile, the sexiest pictures published on his own. Whether he is still secretly watch?

number two
It was the end. For weeks. But his Facebook profile still exerted an enormous appeal to them. She also promised some control over the relationship. She could still be part of his life. His photos were once theirs. His information, acivity - that was her husband now she had secretly no longer than his Facebook profile - but because they held fast.

number thirteen
long time he was stupid Facebook, but one day was the charm still there then. Why? Whom he wanted to meet secretly on Facebook, without having got wind of this? Only by chance a girlfriend had found him on facebook and she betrayed. On their profile, with him geaddet added as a friend, she was in control back and it was quiet.

number forty
The two had no more than an affair. But maybe he had another way? Maybe his girlfriend FB with the long blonde hair? Or the ridiculous to the photos? Perhaps by the same university? They looked and looked and looked for a sign, but there were too many potential perpetrators, they found no evidence and provided with their uncertainty about all the beautiful women of his close acquaintances back off.

number 555
Suddenly it happened. A friend of a friend had told her she had seen him - with her. Who "she" was sure she had to find out. And they found them. Which he guided *!% T had was that night when he left her a message on the whiteboard. Brown hair, big eyes - a really cheap bitch. And yet somehow prettier than themselves

There are true stories. Since only a finger rarely show my way, it follows that now own the last indefinitely, now that you begin to make smart plays on the self-presentation of the man who liked to Facebook. The sudden attraction of the same wall posts again and again, the same photos kept coming out of nowhere, but it was there - for weeks, the stalking addiction.. All was quiet, too quiet, I was almost ready to check in daily. Even weeks later, two words were enough to break the silence: "Crazy Heart" Perhaps even with an exclamation mark, the memory is not as accurate. But as these two words suddenly expelled the entire rest of the Wall, even the devil chasing and instead eat again I was haunted by questions that has the memory remembered. What event put well behind the two words? Whether it had any significance? Probably know ...

The diagnosis offers a weakness of character of such excesses but the simplest explanation, but strictly speaking it is not. Was initially claimed by bloggers, whether they are all just narcissists to note then that the very large number of bloggers made it impossible, that blogging really just narcissists, can the same be said of FB-stalker. There are too many.

But where do these stories come from?

is different than is commonly perceived, does not allow Facebook only the access to individual profiles, individual life and life to this building social relationships, but with each profile, we get the same access to the entire social networking free with this: When the person who wrote to whom, at what party attended where, when and where new friends meet her?
Each activity is reconstructed, in time to a self-resetting obtainable (which I've only made when she wrote to him?) And potentially controllable. The offender profile provides time and place with the same, even if there is no fact behind it. Thus, from each new friend from Facebook's own object of desire is a potential enemy. A virtual real enemy measured in the ideals of beauty and interest can be compared with a measurement of a personality perfectly staged.
betrayed the fear of being fooled and taken advantage of is (naturally) high, the potential that this takes place also, I refer again to Freud. But the ability to control this fear apparently is an extension of our social competence.

we hear so to Freud, it is psychologically no wonder that people fall on this control option. And we hear closer look reveals it will continue to Moreover
"times new distance, probably unimaginably great advances in this field will bring the culture with a target to increase the likeness to God even more. In the interest of our investigation, we do not lose sight of the fact that modern man is not in his divinity feel happy. "
I have many relationships, or precursors, and particularly Nachstadien include those that were unbearable, thanks to Facebook . But I am not a single positive example has come to the ears. The above examples are an exemplary excerpt of a psychological problem, which imposes on us Facebook. If we humans are close, very close, it seems dangerous to our psyche, to come to them even closer. to get

with an acquaintance of a person to fix them the entire network for the development of trust equal to all to involve mostly meaningless information needs and the process of detachment even all control options have are options to our social assets exceed. So much so that it drives us to such insane behavior. Knowing
that she was is unbearable enough, but then also to know who she was (As perfectly staged FB profile of course) is probably more to endure than the human psyche and find out the possibility when it was a profound confrontation with our borders. The critically acclaimed up-to-date in spite of there is a limit of our mental capacity, in which we must ask ourselves how healthy it is yet to come to all the information approach.

And this must necessarily be understood correctly: I am not saying that we are happier when we learned, for instance of fraud in a partnership or new acquaintances nothing. sitting on the dock here not communicate the information to us such negative events in and of itself, because that man is able to handle it, I doubt not in the least. But the fact that we get from social graft Facebook the possibility of social contacts, activities to pursue even a person's life, we obtained the information by hand, they - to watch anytime, anywhere - Godlike is especially true if we mean more than one person is normal FB friends, to a sharp injury. Or addiction. Interpersonal relationships, especially the emotional need, above all this: The possibility of the distance. Facbook is omnipresent, Distance is in short supply.

So when we hear such stories, one has to wonder with the times already, where is this ugly behavior. Is it merely a weakness of character of an individual or at a more fundamental and far-reaching problem? are constructed, the manner in which the new skills through FB, namely skills that are not normally included on the slightest way in us and also connected closely with grief are, which can cause interpersonal relationships, can in my view to the question of whether we all this is not too much. shows in emotionally charged moments, this clearly too much, if not Estimated 70% of 15-30 year olds will pathologizing. However, pathological or insane, such behavior is all, but I see the cause in the combination of the medium Facebook with the nature of mental Konstituion man and not the individual character. - This is it, as I said, too many.

When one sounds, why people feel as the FB heaven on earth, a justification comes first: the nice people from abroad. People, far far away whose lives I actually * a Sh! Interested ss, this is made Facebook. (Which of course also denied is.) But in the near vicinity Facebook is actually the potential hell.


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